The Eternal Flame:
Symbolic of a cultures ability to rekindle itself despite great hardship

“Un peuple sans
passé est un peuple
sans futur.”

(A people without a past are a people without a future.)

The eternal flame is located in the Acadian Memorial Garden, along with the Coat of Arms Mosaics and the Deportation Cross.

The Eternal Flame symbolizes the ability of a culture to rekindle itself despite great hardship. The flame rises from the center of a polished granite oval in the Acadian Memorial garden. The stone’s surface is inscribed with an outline of the Atlantic rim marked with the major settlement sites of the Acadian refugees. An inscription on the apron reads, Un peuple sans passé est un peuple sans futur. (A people without a past are a people without a future.) The flame is sponsored by the Louisiana Jaycees.


The Eternal Flame inspired our “Acadian Descent” pin. Order yours and wear it in memory of an Acadian ancestor.